UNA AUTÒPSIA EN VIDA El dia 1 d'octubre de 2017, fou un dia molt trist per a en Marçal González. Va eixir de casa seva, i tot just en travessar el llindar de la porta, començà a ploure. Llamps i trons queien de valent, intentant assassinar a algun vianant que passegés pels carrers de la ciutat comtal, en hores intempestives com les d'aquella matinada. No sabia com, però sentia la presència d'un home que el seguia, entremig d'aquella boira espesa que cobria el cel ennegrit. Va tombar cap a l'esquerra i entrà al col·legi electoral que tenia a tocar de casa. En aquell precís moment -devien ser les vuit del matí-, (això no ho recordava amb exactitud), quan sentí unes sirenes que venien del barri de Gràcia. Tot seguit, aparegueren dos grups de cotxes de policia -una divisió de guàrdies civils seguits de tancs que apuntaven a la munió de persones que s'agrupaven i esperaven a que obrissin les portes de l'edifici; i una altre de policies nacionals-. ...
THE CANCELED WEDDING Two months before his wedding with Anne, Alan Berwick found her corpse in their bedroom. The blood had stained his hands and dyed all the bed sheets: she had been killed with a sword by someone and he had to solve her murder immediately! A few weeks later the lieutenant Ronald Hatherwood arrested him as the main suspected of the case. He spent three fortnights and a half inside a cell of the police station sharing that quiet and shadowy room with his wife’s killer without knowing who was that outrageous man. Afterwards that time the judge initiated the legal proceedings and asked him to visit her as soon as possible and ordered to Hatherwood to bring the evidences of Mr. Berwick’s incrimination. Peter Stone drove the patrol car and took his friend to the court. It was in the middle of Huddersfield and they had a traffic jam sooner arriving at the building where Diana McMillan was drinking a cup of tea and eating a...