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I am Arlington Baker and I was born on 1999 december 22th, in London.
The day before my birthday, I went to saw my parents George and Lisa that they live in Oxford with grandpa Joseph and grandma Mary.
At six p.m., I took the car and with my wife and children, I began the adventure.
When we arrived, Mr.Baker help us with our backpacks and we came onto his house with him.
I upstairs to my bedroom and I put my things inside the cupboard. Suddenly, I went to the kitchen to talked with my mum. She said that she was in Brasil, last month with her husband George.
After that, I go out of cooker and I returned to my room, to catch the phone and chat with my friend John McLaren.
Anne, my wife, cam into my bedroom and told me that she was frightened. “Why?”, I asked, “Because I listened many voices in bathroom.”, she replied.
I went with him to the toilet and, when we opened the door, we saw a man, who face down on bath. Also, I think that he had sleep.
At night, when I finished my dinner and I went to the washroom to wash my tooth, I didn’t saw the person who was stayed on evening.
Afterwards, I move to my bedroom to sleep. At twelve o’clock, I saw on the wall the name of my father and the phrase “killed him on lavatory tonight.”.
I leave my room and I run to bathroom. The door was closed. I tray some times and the door didn’t opened.
So, I shout Anne, and with him, I got opened the door.
We saw my father who was stiff. I demand to Anne that she dial up the police.
They arrived five minutes later and they couldn’t have anything to solve the mistery.
I qualificate the house with this adjective… “horrorific house”.


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