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Yesterday, during dinner time, Andrew McJonson, ask me:
‘Why you went to bed, before the supper, last night, when you said me that you go to bed, every day at twelve o’clock?’
‘Because I’m tired.’ I said.
Suddenly, Mrs.Bluecarring rang the door and nervously, announced:
‘A killer, came into my house, and annoyed, killed my husband!’
‘Ok.’ Said Andrew. ‘Continue, please!’
‘Before the murder, the killer, came out, and run, quickly. I called the police, but they said me, that they can’t!’ She said. ‘Can you help me, now?’
‘Yes, Mrs.Bluecarring!’
‘Ok… Come here, please!’
He goes with him. He saw the dead body, and obviously, he photograph the crime’s scene.
He put the suspected objects on his backpack, and he set out to the famous detective’s house, in Oxford Street, number 26.
There lives, Mr.O’Brien. Arlan Keane, opened the door, and he gives the objects to him.
Twenty minutes later, he said:
‘The killer is… His wife. She is a lyer!’
After that, inspector Oliver McLive, arrest the wife.
Actually, we live in a pacefull city.
No murder, no violence, the great world!


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UNA AUTÒPSIA EN VIDA El dia 1 d'octubre de 2017, fou un dia molt trist per a en Marçal González. Va eixir de casa seva, i tot just en travessar el llindar de la porta, començà a ploure. Llamps i trons queien de valent, intentant assassinar a algun vianant que passegés pels carrers de la ciutat comtal, en hores intempestives com les d'aquella matinada.  No sabia com, però sentia la presència d'un home que el seguia, entremig d'aquella boira espesa que cobria el cel ennegrit. Va tombar cap a l'esquerra i entrà al col·legi electoral que tenia a tocar de casa. En aquell precís moment -devien ser les vuit del matí-, (això no ho recordava amb exactitud), quan sentí unes sirenes que venien del barri de Gràcia. Tot seguit, aparegueren dos grups de cotxes de policia -una divisió de guàrdies civils seguits de tancs que apuntaven a la munió de persones que s'agrupaven i esperaven a que obrissin les portes de l'edifici; i una altre de policies nacionals-. ...