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Resultat d'imatges de alfred hitchcock
It’s a special day in London, specifically, Oxford Street, 12.
Aldrin McFlower, stood in his favourite sofa, reading an important London’s newspaper called “The Guardian” when he saw his wonderful wife Jane McFlower, that took her car to bring our children to school.
Suddenly, rung his phone. Mr.McFlower, took down the phone and asked:
  • Who is?
  • My name is Albert Einstein, and I’m an important scientist. I was born in Ulm (Germany, 1879) and I failed in New Jersey (E.E.U.U., 1955).
  • What? You are a cheat.
  • You must don’t insult me, and my life!
  • But you died in 1955, and actually we stood in 1999.
  • I call you because I need your help.
  • Why you need my help?
  • Because Elizabeth McFlower, your sister, she liked .get married with me.
  • I’d like go to Paris this week but like she liked get married with you, I decided help you.
  • Ok, thanks. When we were?
  • Tonight at 9 o’clock. In “Cafe Charles Dickens Square”.
Jane, call him for said that she go to lunch to “English Pub”.
He decided that went to his own office.
When he arrived, Mrs.McGreenwater, his secretary said:
  • We have a new philosophal’s mystery, titled “A Special Box”. The case titled “A Special Gift”, we resolt grace a police. A guilty was John McGift.
  • Ok. I think that you need a longest holidays. If you like go to holidays I recomend that you should go to Hawaii.
  • Thank you very much. Hpw much is it?
  • 300 $.
  • Ok. You must reserve one plane’s ticket
  • Just now!
30 minutes later, James McBlugreen 123 apears into his office…
  • Hello, Mr.123...Why apears in my own office superintend?
  • Because, I’d like interrogate you!
  • Why?
  • Because your sister apears in Trafalgar Square, arsenate.
  • Oh, no!
  • Why you said “Oh, no!”?
  • Because Albert Einstein have performed.
  • Albert Einstein was died in 1955, and we stood in 1999.
  • Yes, but he called me at 9 o’clock on morning.
  • Can you give me his phone number?
  • Yes. There’s 632 445 870.
Mr.McBluegreen, call Mr.Einstein at 5 minutes later.
When Albert took down his phone and said “Who is?”, James desmayed.
Suddenly, his sister, Elizabeth McFlower, rung Mr.McFlower.
  • Hello, how are you?
  • I’m Elizabeth, your sister…
  • Oh, no!
  • Why?
  • Because my friend James McBluegreen stay with me in this time!
  • Really?
  • Yes, like you listen!
  • Ok, I hung up phone!
  • It’s a better thing!
  • Good bye.
  • Good bye.
Five minutes later, Mr.McFlower, rungs Mr.Einstein for explain all things that they had spent…
  • Hello, Mr.Einstein...I’m Mr.McFlower.
  • What?
  • Yes, I’m Aldrin McFlower, and I rung you for explain that I can’t went tonight at the “Cafe Charles Dickens Square” because my sister was died today at midday, and tonight we celebrate the funeral.
  • Ok, don’t worry  Mr.McFlower...See you soon, and sorry for this terrible succes!
  • Ok, see you soon.



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