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The birdman

The birdman

Ademar was not any one individual. There was only a man, but it was a mix between man and bird. So in the town where he lived, known as the Bird-Man.It was not extrenyar which, when passed through the center of the villa panic if they saw him.One day, a boy of nine years, saw him interact with his mother.So Ademar, he took a flight to his little hut built on the banks of a small lake with a lot of love, which did not come until five years short of resources such as food, water, ...After five years of that first conflict with humans, he decided to approach again the small town, where people came and flames quickly ran to save themselves from danger everywhere.He went to the house of his love, and discovered with horror that too was unconscious.He called his friends to help him save her and emportarse it up the mountain.Then went enrrecordar his son, who, playing in the park with his colleagues.In the evening they had reached the fork of the inhabitants, were saved from the fire that had been ...But there was one problem ... the girl of your dreams not yet opened his eyes.I was really worried.It was his first love rightful and was in danger.So the next morning ran towards the city was closer, is Boletus ... Pellirossos.The doctor on duty, in a first moment, frightened. But then he decided to accompany him.When he finished the review, said:Because of the severity of the injuries, I can not do anything. Missing two days of life.But the second day, open your eyes.Then they decided to marry.END !!!


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L’Àrtac Busquets, era un adolescent de setze anys (22-12-2000) que tenia els ulls de color castany foscs igual que els seus cabells a rínxols, alt i fort però prim, que estudiava primer de batxillerat a Barcelona i vivia amb el seu pare Jordoan Busquets perquè sa mare havia mort en un accident de moto feia uns quants anys. Sortia amb la filla del president de Catalunya Rosa Maria Lopetgui que tenia més o menys la seva edat i anava a la seva mateixa classe. Tenia una germana més gran que la coneixien com a Annadrí “la que ho resol tot”, perquè investigava tot tipus de casos. Aquell dia, na Rosa i sa germana, havien quedat per anar a prendre un gelat amb els seus xicots, però no va poder ser al final, perquè li havia sorgit un imprevist que havia de resoldre urgentment. El crim havia succeït a la casa “Puig i Carafall”. El senyor Puig, havia estat assassinat unes hores abans que arribés n’Annadrí, amb el seu cotxe, en una batalla per avarícia i per diners. Romeu Puig, fou un fam...