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My name is Ahern McByrne, I’ve got fourteen years old, brown courly hair, and brown eyes, I’m tall, thin and I’m a shy person.
My parents and I live in south-east of Scotland. Our house is big but warm. The colour’s wall is red. From my bedroom, I can see the sea.
We live in a wonderful village. The typical weather is rain and cold.
If you go to Scotland, you must visit St.Andrews.
When I’ve got eight years old, my grandpa explain me:
‘You must’n go at top of the house, because in there, it lives a monster, and this monster eats the children. My doughter and I called this room “A Forbid Room”’
One day, my mother order me, that go to the Frobid Room for catch the clothes. ‘But my grandfather said me that I must’n go at top of the house, because…’ I said nervously. ‘Ahern, you must pay attention that I’m what saying!’, my mother reply. ‘Ok!’ I said.
When I arrived at top of the hous and I opening the door, I saw trunk, and I opened quickly. Inside this, there was a lots of letters.
I opened one, and I read:
                                                                          25 of september 1936
Dear Mr.McByrne,
I’m Andrew, your brother. My wife was dead today at night.
The war has began and I’m poor. My children (Clare, Marie and George) have many problems and I can’t solves it. Can you help me?


I catch the clothes and the letter, and I run to the kitchen. I give the clothes and my granddad ask me:
‘Who is that?’. ‘A special thing.’ I said. ‘What kind of thing?’, he reply. ‘A letter’. I answer. ‘Can you read this letter?’. He ask. ‘Yes!’. I said. ‘Well…   25 of september 1936. Dear Mr.McByrne, I’m Andrew, your brother. My wife was dead today at night...  ‘. I read ‘Thanks.’ He said. ‘How she died?’ I asked. ‘With a poison’. He answer.
‘Why, and what person do this crime?’. I order. ‘Her husband, because he loves other magnificient girl.’. He said terrify.
‘The police, can solves the case?’. I asked. ‘Yes.’ He answer. ‘The police can solves the mistery with the famous detective help… Arlan O’Sullivan.’.


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