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I am researcher who replaces Adolf Almond.My name is Ademar and as you know I'm half man and half bird.Then you will pass to narrate as he was researching.************************************************** *********It was the night of the Oscars. Like every year, presented the winners had touched. But something failed ... One of the participants had not yet arrived ... It must have been to jam the roads.Or maybe not n'enrecordava?This strange situation I saw wrapped stank of rotten fish ... or worse ... stink of burning.So he decided to go to one of the representatives of the law and warn him of what made me a bad feeling.After telling me that nothing happened, I began to recite the list of champions:Good night everyone ... Every year, I have the honor to represent the Oscars. For starters we have the winner of the best B.S.O. film ... I proudly present to you Lee Glasgow, which for me is one of the best composers of all time. Then we have the star actor James Slack ... In the movie "The bird-man."But traits, announced the attack most memorable of all time is ... The Washington.That night, there were two hundred thousand dead and wounded.************************************************** *********5 years later ...Ademar, this case is not yet closed, right?If what you talking, Paula?The bombing of Washington.No. How many times I have to say that before the Audal not speak?Hundreds. But if he wants to help us solve it, because we should not talk? Audal What do you think? ... Audal?The Audal has gone for five minutes in his room.Well crida'l now!Very good.************************************************** *********Five minutes later ...Audal can help us solve this case?As I read the newspapers, I think it is Johann Smiller.Who is this?A former state police and father of Andrew Smiller, a very good friend of mine. Johann is divorced and lives in London.Ademar, you could not go to London flying with your precious wings?Yes.Four hours later ...Hey, what Johann Smiller?Yes. Why?Because I'm the writer Ademar Bardulia.Oh, who won the Nobel prize for literature?That same.What does he want?I'm fond of mysteries and four hours ago I was talking with my wife about the attack ... It is true that Washington was responsible?I do not know that I was talking about.Yes I know. I would please accompany me to Scotland Yard?Yes.His son is with you, right?Yes.Tell Andrew to call the travel agency from me and book a flight leg in Catalonia of 4: 00h, who lives on his ex-wife and go home the his mother. I'll go after you.It is a threat?Is the advice!And then?Tell the police what you did five years ago.And if not?If not, the obligaré by force!Very good. Now I do.So I like it.Two hours later ...Everything was over. The Andrew was accompanied by Ademar to Catalonia. 


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UNA AUTÒPSIA EN VIDA El dia 1 d'octubre de 2017, fou un dia molt trist per a en Marçal González. Va eixir de casa seva, i tot just en travessar el llindar de la porta, començà a ploure. Llamps i trons queien de valent, intentant assassinar a algun vianant que passegés pels carrers de la ciutat comtal, en hores intempestives com les d'aquella matinada.  No sabia com, però sentia la presència d'un home que el seguia, entremig d'aquella boira espesa que cobria el cel ennegrit. Va tombar cap a l'esquerra i entrà al col·legi electoral que tenia a tocar de casa. En aquell precís moment -devien ser les vuit del matí-, (això no ho recordava amb exactitud), quan sentí unes sirenes que venien del barri de Gràcia. Tot seguit, aparegueren dos grups de cotxes de policia -una divisió de guàrdies civils seguits de tancs que apuntaven a la munió de persones que s'agrupaven i esperaven a que obrissin les portes de l'edifici; i una altre de policies nacionals-. ...