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Soap Opera


-Mother - Brenda: She’s beautiful, and have many secrets. One of them is that Jonnathan is the father of the twins. In the past, he loved Jonnathan but in this time he loves another man.

-Sister 1 - Hannah: Hannah is a girl, is the older sister, She is tall, with wavy hair. She fall in love with Jonnathan.

-Sister 2- Betty: She fall in love with Jonnathan. Is somewhat tall than her sister Hanna, but her personallity is wrong, because, sometimes she  upset with her annoying  sisters.

-Sister 3 - Alison:  Is tall, with her ermous straight and long brown hair, an angel and Alison, are the same.

-Gardener - Jonnathan: He is young, with his black hair, and short. He is a beautiful man like Brenda.

Scene 0:
Brenda i jonnathan( fen se una foto amb don nenucos a les mans). I hannah al costat més baixeta.

Scene 1: (in the garden)

Betty: Girls, I need to tell you something!!
Hannah: Tell us, tell us!!!!!
Betty: I think that I’m  falling  in love with Jonnathan..
Alison: Seriously? For the gardener? He is so handsome!
Hannah: (Stand up, go out.) Really? You are very childish.
Alison: Look , he is there!
Betty: Ohh!! He is so good-looking…
Jonnathan: (take of t-shirt)

Scene 2: (in the garden)

Hannah:(is on a bench and Brenda shows up)
Brenda: Hey, what are you thinking about? You look worried
Hannah: I’m fine! It’s not important...
Brenda: What are they talking about?  They look so happy.
Hannah: That’s the problem!
Brenda: What’s up?
Hannah: Betty said she’s in love with the gardener.
Brenda: Oh my god!! That can’t be true! He is her father!

Scene 3:  (in the garden)

Hannah: Hello, Jonnathan, I have to tell you something very important...
It’s about my sister.
Jonnathan: Okey, tell me.
Hannah: My sister Betty is falling in love with you!!
Jonnathan: What??? That’s a big problem, I’m her father!
Hannah: Yes, I know, but now you mustn’t tell anything to anyone. Is it clear?
Jonnathan: Of course, but someone should do something.
Hannah: But you like her?
Jonnathan: No Hannah, I like you, I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you and only with you.

Scene 4 :(Qualsevol lloc de la casa, un passadis..)

Alison: Mum, I’m looking for my bracelet that you gift me when I was younger, do you know where it is?
Brenda: I don’t have any idea, I’m sorry, it will be in some drawer in my bedroom, or i don’t now.
Alison: Okay, I will look for it later.

Scene 5: (Seguent escena, surt directament l’Alison buscant per calaixos i llocs fins que obra un de l’habitació de la mare i veu fotos, les agafa i se les posa a mirar fins que en trova una que li crida l’atenció, es una foto de les dos gemeles el jardiner i la mare) S’axeca rapidament i es fica a buscar la seva germana)

Alison: Betty, Betty !!!! Look it, I just found it, i don’t understand anything, why Jonhatan is in this photo?
Betty: I don’t know… mum just take photos with the family. I don’t understand anything too, we have to talk with mum, just now.

Scene6: (Corren juntes pel passadís amb la foto a la mà, troben a la mare i a la Hanna assentades al sofà)

Betty: What’s that? (Ensenya la foto)
Brenda: Where had you found that?
Alison: I found it in your bedroom, with the other photos, what is it?
Brenda: This photo it isn’t important
Betty: Yes, there’s Jonathan in the photo,! Why? He’s the gardener, no our father!
Hannah: Yes he is you father.
Brenda: Hannah, what are you saying?
Hannah: The truth, mum. It’s time that they know. Some day they would
know .
Alison: What are you saying? You are a lying, a false.
Betty: We  thought our father was died!!
(s’envan enfadades)

Scence 7: (hannah va a dir-li’s a la brenda a la betty i a l’alison que està sortint amb el jonathan, aleshores apereix el jonathan i hi ha un adiscusió) (MENTRES DINEN TOTS JUNTS)

Hannah: Mum, Alison, Betty.. I know that now it isn’t the best moment to say that, but... I think that if I don’t say it now, i won’t say it never to you..
The thing it’s that.. Jonathan and I…, well, we are boyfriends, or something more, we love each other, and we like so much.
Brenda: Hanna!!!!! That can’t be true!! I’m without words
Betty: Hoo! how could you do this !! I'm your sister and I was in love with jonathan…
Alison: Don’t cry…she’s a …
Betty: Jonathan you are our father! She’s your daughter!
Jonnathan: No she’s not my daughter.
Alison: What are you talking about? She’s not our sister?
Brenda: NO, hannah is yours step-sister.
Betty: Did you know hannah?
Hannah: Yes, but.. I love you like a sister.
Alison: That’s enough.  I go.
Betty: Wait i come with you.
Jonnathan: Don’t worry girls, together we can be a happy family.
Brenda: Shut up, Jonnathan; they are talking with me. Come on, please, let me explain.
Betty: You should do it years ago.
(Alison i Betty se’n van)

Brenda: Jonnathan how could you do that to me? I was in love with you!
Hannah: Jonnathan, what is she saying? Are you in love with my mother?
Jonnathan: I don’t know what to say…
Brenda: You should, say something!!
Brenda: Hannah please could you go with your sisters i have to talk with jonnathan alone.
Hannah: Ok, but I want to know what is happening...


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