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I think it’s very important to related the day of Prime Minister’s murder, because the police thought that I am the killer, but it’s a falsehood because I stood in New York, that day.
When I read the newspaper’s day, in my hotel, I suppose that the guilty was my enemy whose name was Karl McSnow, because when I was young, I said to the teacher that he had been stole my mobile phone.
Before the final, I’d like explain the beginning because it’s more important than these bit of other story.
That 31th of October 2028, I caught the fly and I went with my family to New York to spend the holidays of autumn and visit this famous and biggest city in the world.
My son John Anthony Bramson and my wife Jan Mollie Jennings, were very roost in their seats between mine.
At five o’clock - on morning-, the hostess said me “Allan Arthur, you have a message in your cabin. Do you like I give you the message?”. I stood up and I went inmediatly to my bnk bed. When I arrived, I caught the envelope and I set off to can read the letter.
I gave the money to the flight attendant called Mary Weather and I read the message. It was written by my secretary whose name was Laura McHill.
Mrs.McHill said that I had to caught the plane to London because the police would like quiz about the Prime Minister’s murder.
I said the news to my wife and she side after I final my monologue “If you like, I think that the best option is this; I went with John to New York and when the playn take off in the airport, you caught the flaight and came back to London to meet with the inspector Sam Overview.”.
When we arrived, I said goodbye to my family and I wait the other plane. While I wait the other plane, I went to the news-stand and I bought a newspaper. When I paid for them, and I began to read, i saw that my face had been the front page of the Daily Telegraph.
A policeman whose name was Martin Gerald Durrell came to me and he detained me because htey supposed that I was the famous killer whose killed the Prime Minister Tom Hawkins.
We went to the airport path and we caught a police helicopter. He drove through the sky some hours and he take off in the central of London’s Police Station.
The leautinent of Scotland Yard Adam Smith, put me into the cell of the most important Police Station that had been United Kngdom, the rest of my poor life.
Nowdays, I continue with my supposion that McSnow was the true guilty!


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